Faixa Atual





“A four days conference and festival held in a spectacular theatre: Rome. FOR THE PROMOTERS IPM is the perfect place to meet, exchange experiences and case histories of success, and discuss how to detect the weak signals of the future. FOR THE COMPANIES IPM means having the opportunity to do business and showcases while enjoying […]

SUNcé BEAT 4 (Southport Weekender) What can I say? I cannot put into words the amazing time I had in SUncé Beat, once again! Unbelievably it keeps astonishing and delighting me every year! And I wasn’t even supposed to go this time. I feel nothing but blessed to have experienced such magical and joyful moments. […]

1rst Anniversary event by Roberto Cavalli | Casino Figueira (Portugal) June ’12 Live Performances: Nicole Mitchell, Danny Live PA Guest Deejays: Steven Stone, Carlos Vargas, Urban Soul Djs, Soulful Joao, The Deep Lover, Rui Tomé. Main Sponsors: Roberto Cavalli Vodka, Caves da Montanha, Heineken, Lipton, Sumos B! Partners: ICONES, Liquid Consulting, Bomcar, Tien21, Rotas do […]

(ES) Todos amamos la música, recorremos cada instante de la vida guardando momentos significativos con cantos y melodías. Amamos, lloramos, reímos, deliramos y nos extasiamos con ambientes cubiertos de composiciones, texturas, matices, colores y ritmos musicales inagotables. Si la música vale más que mil imágenes, la iconografía que nace en el ambiente interactivo del mundo […]